Contract with Work for Impact
John Anuran
As a freelancer, it's best that we can showcase our current project, and on going project to other potential clients within work for impact or even outside. Unfortunately, Work for impact hasn't taken any action towards creating a document that will provide us the experience that we gain from this platform. Even a contract or a legal document that shows that we have a client on their platform. I have requested this feature since I got here but still couldn't get what I requested. I believe a lot of freelancers will benefit from my feature request but again, it seems no one on the dev team or management team listens to our feedback.
Carla Pontes
Hi John Anuran! Thank you for this fantastic feedback!
We really value your insights - the issue was already escalated to our developers and is in the platform's improvements plans. As you surely understand, creating and developing a new feature is complex and time-consuming, and the team manages priorities according to their work and urgent issues that may arise.
But this is planned, and we hope to be able to release this new feature shortly! 😊